We are currently seeking an individual or couple that would be interested in joining us here at Fresh Roots Farm this season for an apprenticeship experience. Ideally, this would be someone who has aspirations to engage in farming and/or beekeeping themselves, has a keen interest in livestock, working outdoors, working both independently and with a team, and who does not have allergies to bees. We would prefer to have someone who can join us for a minimum of one month, or as long as four months. We can provide private living quarters here on the farm, in our guest cabin, and will provide 3 healthy meals a day with mostly food sourced from our own farm. There are opportunities for payment as well, the terms of which will depend on experience and length of stay. We will be offering a paid position to someone who can help us with honey harvest, which occurs thoughout the month of August, potentially beginning at the end of July. We would potentially be looking for someone to join us as early as May and as late as September 2019, but timing could be negotiable.
Tasks and educational oppotunities will vary throughout the season, and will include:
- Caring for livestock and poultry, including sheep, cattle, chickens (laying hens)
- Various tasks relating to the care and maintenance of honeybee hives and the harvesting of honey
- Maintaining and moving livestock fences, used for rotational grazing of all livestock
- Helping with the household vegetable garden
- Daily tasks related to a pasture-based laying hen operation (ie. collecting, cleaning, cartoning eggs)
There could also be opportunities to participate in educational workshops, as well as assist and learn about the financial, logistical and administrative duties related to a direct marketing farm business.
If you or someone you know is interested, please contact us at: freshrootsfarm.mb@gmail.com. We would be happy to chat with you more to answer any questions and discuss potential opportunities with you.
-Troy & Michelle